Irene Lau-Lau-Lau小小Blog開張啦
為了承接LaylayOn's Diary 的其中一個宗旨 - Keep in touch 的目的, 懶惰如我嘗試start 一個Blog ,希望籍此能和回流香港的S.O.C. 眾弟兄姐妹互相交流鼓勵。還請大家多多包涵!因為本人的中文只有超初中程度。絕對不能和LaylayOn比美!請大家多多指教!
今曰鄧牧師來分享講道,我覺得好正!題目係'盼望之舞'。聽完鄧牧師篇道我覺得做基督徒嘅我哋真係好幸運。因為同神一齊打人生嘅扙係未開始前就已經知道將會係一場必勝嘅扙!所以就算我哋仲未打完,都可以先慶祝,跳住舞先!最開心嘅係知道依家我哋籍住神所賜嘅恩賜而作的工,將來回天家後都可以繼續。我立即同Esther 說~
我 : 咁幾好喎!我咁鐘意唱歌將來又係日日夜夜咁唱!
Esther: 係囉! (好興奮咁答)
我 : 咁你煮嘢食咁叻,你上到去會唔會日煮夜煮架?!
Esther: ..............
Esther! 唔係個個都有呢個好得無比嘅恩賜架!如果上到去都有得煮嘢食我一定會係你第一個捧場客!
我: 老公!真係開心啦!上到去天堂我又係一樣日唱夜唱!
Rod (幾擔心): 吓?咁我上到去仲有無得做番P.A. 架?
我: ..............好似無P.A.噃...........上面...............
Rod: .......................
唔緊要啦老公!你平時咁受小朋友歡迎,你上到去或者試下做Sunday School 啦!但希望到時啲小朋友會稱呼你做 'Uncle Rod', 唔係Baby Christian 叫緊你嘅'Uncle Naughty' 啦!(多謝Susanna 嘅分享!!!)
最後,麻煩大家小小待禱事項:大埔劉華同阿樂都身體抱姜- 劉華仔大感冒,阿樂就作發燒... 唔該哂各位弟兄姐妹喎!
16 則留言:
nice one ^^ I like the tone,
it would be better if you can make the text(Chinese) a bit bigger ^^;
Dear Jack,
Hey Hey Hey... Nice blog. But only 1 post. Looking forward to read more.
IM me when you have time. Very important thing to tell you.
Also I couldn't find the song you asked me. Very limited song resources lately and will be for a long while...
你睇我地幾捧場,未Settle down 晒都先喺你個Blog留言呀﹗(我自己個Blog 都未update 呀﹗)
Wah wah ... can't believe ar ... never thought you would sit down and write (see, you are always so active la) ... thanks for the sharing la ... I am sure you will acquire even more 'fun see' (i.e. FANS) haha!!! -Terry
Kind of surprise to read your blog coz I need to read it aloud to understand the cantonese! I guess my Chinese is worser than yours. But anyway, hope to read more!
Wah.. LAu WHa ar!!! Evne Irene confirmed that la wor.!!!
Irene, It is very very hard to believe you set this up. Anyway, it is so much fun to read your first post. I like the tone of your posting!!! Try to create more interesting phase like 車神勁靚女. I like to see it.. hahahaha.
Looking forward to the coming post...
大佬呀!我噚晚到八,九點無聊先諗吓不如寫個blog 喳!會錄續有嚟架啦!記得keep住check 呀!哈哈!
- Irene Lau-Lau-Lau
Dear Lilian,
多謝支持!我会link 住你個blog 架啦!
- 大埔劉華太座
Dear Terry, Leslie & Antony,
雖然聽落你哋啲comments 都唔知係讚定彈...無所謂!有寫都總好過無!請繼續大力支持本人小小blog!請呀!
Irene, Nice Blog!
BTW, since when you were being called "大埔劉華太座"?
Symond and Anissa
Hi Symond & Anissa,
aiya Irene seriously I've never expected you would do this - this is such a challenge for C9 like u! keep it up! i'll keep reading ga la