以下是一則由NewSoHo 在四月十九日電郵傳來的待禱事項:
Dear All,
Please pray hard for Mr Pang who has been admitted to Royal Free Hospital. He & his wife just came back from Hong Kong. He hurt his leg slightly on Thursday 12th April but was well enough to make the trip back. On 15th April Sunday evening he felt tired & went to bed early. However his family was unable to wake him and he had been taken to hospital the doctor cannot arouse him either.
Please pray hard for Mr Pang who has been admitted to Royal Free Hospital. He & his wife just came back from Hong Kong. He hurt his leg slightly on Thursday 12th April but was well enough to make the trip back. On 15th April Sunday evening he felt tired & went to bed early. However his family was unable to wake him and he had been taken to hospital the doctor cannot arouse him either.
Susan Kwok visited him again to-day (18th April). His temperature has come down & he showed expressions once or twice. The doctor thinks it is bacterial infection of the brain & is giving him antibiotics. But he is still very serious & has not woken up. The whole church should pray hard for him.
Let us ask God for mercy & cure.
Chinese Church in London – New Soho Congregation
天父啊! 復活在祢,生命也在祢。祢為咗身為罪人嘅我哋,捨棄一切,叫我哋嘅靈魂可以得救。神啊!多謝祢犧牲的愛,好叫我哋也可以在永恆中與祢有份。
求主垂聽我嘅禱告。奉主耶穌基督得勝嘅名祈求, 阿門。